Virtual Environmental School: “The Living Earth” Land and Related Issues. Course 2, Series 4
September 21-22, 2023
The Living Earth Environmental School is composed of a minimum of 40 hours of study. Specific units are divided into four courses of ten hours each and one field trip. The courses investigate AIR, LAND and WATER. The units are divided into Ecology and Environmental Science, Life on Earth, and Earth Stewardship.
Virtual Environmental School: “The Living Earth” Land and Related Issues. Course 2, Series 4
September 21-22, 2023
The Living Earth Environmental School is composed of a minimum of 40 hours of study. Specific units are divided into four courses of ten hours each and one field trip. The courses investigate AIR, LAND and WATER. The units are divided into Ecology and Environmental Science, Life on Earth, and Earth Stewardship.
The Connecticut Daylily Society invites you and your club members to our next meeting, September 23. There is a noon social hour with light refreshments and then our speaker, Adele Keohan, member of the New England Daylily Society and editor of the national daylily society’s outstanding journal. Adele will speak at 1 pm on DAYLILY BASICS. We want to start off our 2023-24 season with a GALA get together with CT gardening friends. So please let your members know; there is no admission.
Rebecca Nisley, President
Creating a Happy Habitat: Virtual Lecture with
Nancy DuBrule-Clemente
Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 7pm
Nancy DuBrule-Clemente, author and founder of Natureworks Horticulture Services, will explain the difference between a homegrown national park and a pollinator pathway, illustrate why organic gardening is important, and share a keystone plant list.
Check FGCCT‘s website for information
The Floral Design Committee is sponsoring a hands-on “Make Your Own Terrarium” workshop. The workshop will be led by Allie Kraushaar, the owner of Moss Life in Tariffville. Allie will supply all the material. The cost to attend is $25.00. The workshop is limited to 25 attendees with a minimum of ten (10). If interested, sign up and pay at the General meeting in September or email of your interest. The cutoff to receive payment is September 14, 2023.