The West Hartford Garden Club

Master Calendar

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Gardening @ Noah Webster House
Jun 21 @ 8:30 am – 10:30 am

Please remember to bring your gardening tools.

If you are unable to work on your signup date, please try to find a replacement and let us know so that we can reschedule you.

Susan Grew at or Maureen Gould at

Signup Sheet

Elizabeth Park Conservancy – Tree Tour @ Elizabeth Park Flagpole in front of the green Cottage
Jun 21 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Arborist John Kehoe will lead a Tree Tour through Elizabeth Park (a Level I Arboretum) on June 21 from 10 a.m. to 12 Noon.

Learn about the many different species and notable trees throughout the Park, some of which date back over 100 years. The tour is FREE and begins at the flagpole outside the green Cottage.

For more information about trees in Elizabeth Park, as well as the Kim Arboretum at Elizabeth Park visit:



Gardening @ Butler-McCook Garden
Jun 27 @ 8:30 am – 11:00 am

Please plan to give us at least one hour of your time during the morning. Please bring your favorite tools for weeding and pruning. A co-chair will arrive at the garden by 8:30 a.m.

PARKING: Parking will be in the paved lot next to the Amos Bull House on South Prospect Street. We encourage you to carpool as space is limited.

We plan to work if the rain is light. If it is pouring, you will get a cancellation call by 8:00 a.m.

• If you are unable to work on your signup date, please let me know so that we can reschedule you and help you find a replacement for your shift.

• Kindly confirm that you have received this message, by replying to or text 860-227-2730.

Thank you for helping to make the Butler McCook garden such a treasure for the greater Hartford region.

Best regards,

Linda Aldrich, Co-Chair, 860 227-2730
Steve Kovack, Co-Chair, 860 521-6563

Signup Sheet

Gardening @ Noah Webster House
Jun 28 @ 8:30 am – 10:30 am

Please remember to bring your gardening tools.

If you are unable to work on your signup date, please try to find a replacement and let us know so that we can reschedule you.

Susan Grew at or Maureen Gould at

Signup Sheet

Gardening @ Butler-McCook Garden
Jul 11 @ 8:30 am – 11:00 am

Please plan to give us at least one hour of your time during the morning. Please bring your favorite tools for weeding and pruning. A co-chair will arrive at the garden by 8:30 a.m.

PARKING: Parking will be in the paved lot next to the Amos Bull House on South Prospect Street. We encourage you to carpool as space is limited.

We plan to work if the rain is light. If it is pouring, you will get a cancellation call by 8:00 a.m.

• If you are unable to work on your signup date, please let me know so that we can reschedule you and help you find a replacement for your shift.

• Kindly confirm that you have received this message, by replying to or text 860-227-2730.

Thank you for helping to make the Butler McCook garden such a treasure for the greater Hartford region.

Best regards,

Linda Aldrich, Co-Chair, 860 227-2730
Steve Kovack, Co-Chair, 860 521-6563

Signup Sheet

Gardening @ Noah Webster House
Jul 12 @ 8:30 am – 10:30 am

Please remember to bring your gardening tools.

If you are unable to work on your signup date, please try to find a replacement and let us know so that we can reschedule you.

Susan Grew at or Maureen Gould at

Signup Sheet

Civic Projects – Invasive Plants Removal Party @ Spice Bush Swamp Park
Jul 15 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Please mark your calendars for Saturday, July 15, 2023, from 9 am – 12 noon for an invasive plants removal party with your Civic Projects Committee. If you are interested, please text, email, or call Beth Ann so that she can plan accordingly. She will have handouts, and guided instruction will be provided. Many of you joined us last year, so you will need only a little review. More information will follow soon about best attire, gear to bring, and more.

As you know, invasive plants are non-native species that spread aggressively in natural areas. Invasive plants have replaced native species in many different habitats in Connecticut. When native plants are displaced in the landscape, the diversity of native birds, insects, other animals, and plants may be decreased and ecosystem functions may suffer.

We have one more invasive plant removal party on the calendar for November 4, 2023, from 9 am – 12 noon.



CT Horticultural Society – Trip to Gardens of Woodbury
Jul 21 @ 8:30 am
Gardens of Woodbury

Friday, July 21

Bus leaves at 8:30 am from New Britain and 9:00 am from Middletown. Approximate return time is 5-5:30 pm

Your day kicks off with a visit to Earth Tones, a native plant nursery that offers grasses, ferns, perennials, shrubs, and trees that are native to New England. After a tour of the nursery, you’ll enjoy a workshop on how to save seeds from native plants and how to sow and grow them.

Then, enjoy lunch at Marketplace Kitchen, in the heart of town, before a trip to the Gardens of Gertrude Jekyll. Ms. Jekyll had a profound influence on modern garden design and is widely considered the greatest gardener of the 20th century, with several hundred gardens designed all over the world.

Nancy DuBrule-Clemente will guide us through these spectacular spaces.

CT Hort Members: $150 / General Admission: $155

Price includes the workshop and tour at Earth Tones, the stop and tour at the Gardens of Gertrude Jekyll, lunch, deluxe motorcoach bus, and tour director.

Go to or call 860-243-1630 to reserve a space.


Gardening @ Butler-McCook Garden
Jul 25 @ 8:30 am – 11:00 am

Please plan to give us at least one hour of your time during the morning. Please bring your favorite tools for weeding and pruning. A co-chair will arrive at the garden by 8:30 a.m.

PARKING: Parking will be in the paved lot next to the Amos Bull House on South Prospect Street. We encourage you to carpool as space is limited.

We plan to work if the rain is light. If it is pouring, you will get a cancellation call by 8:00 a.m.

• If you are unable to work on your signup date, please let me know so that we can reschedule you and help you find a replacement for your shift.

• Kindly confirm that you have received this message, by replying to or text 860-227-2730.

Thank you for helping to make the Butler McCook garden such a treasure for the greater Hartford region.

Best regards,

Linda Aldrich, Co-Chair, 860 227-2730
Steve Kovack, Co-Chair, 860 521-6563

Signup Sheet

Gardening @ Noah Webster House
Jul 26 @ 8:30 am – 10:30 am

Please remember to bring your gardening tools.

If you are unable to work on your signup date, please try to find a replacement and let us know so that we can reschedule you.

Susan Grew at or Maureen Gould at

Signup Sheet