Spring Greenhouse Show
The Elizabeth Park Conservancy opens its Spring Greenhouse Show on Friday March 4, featuring a spectacular array of spring bulbs and plants. The show is FREE and open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, March 4 through Friday, March 11.
Included in the floral display: French hyacinths, Muscari, tulips, daffodils, amaryllis, scented geraniums, pansies, trellised sweet peas, culinary herbs, hanging baskets, Spanish oregano, Alpine strawberries, Dianthus, and a collection of tropical plants and succulents. The bulbs and plants were grown by Conservancy Horticulturist Rosemary Aldridge; Gardeners Wesley Gage and David Rivera; and many volunteers.
The show will take place in the historic greenhouse in Elizabeth Park.
Spring Greenhouse Show
The Elizabeth Park Conservancy opens its Spring Greenhouse Show on Friday March 4, featuring a spectacular array of spring bulbs and plants. The show is FREE and open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, March 4 through Friday, March 11.
Included in the floral display: French hyacinths, Muscari, tulips, daffodils, amaryllis, scented geraniums, pansies, trellised sweet peas, culinary herbs, hanging baskets, Spanish oregano, Alpine strawberries, Dianthus, and a collection of tropical plants and succulents. The bulbs and plants were grown by Conservancy Horticulturist Rosemary Aldridge; Gardeners Wesley Gage and David Rivera; and many volunteers.
The show will take place in the historic greenhouse in Elizabeth Park.
Spring Greenhouse Show
The Elizabeth Park Conservancy opens its Spring Greenhouse Show on Friday March 4, featuring a spectacular array of spring bulbs and plants. The show is FREE and open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, March 4 through Friday, March 11.
Included in the floral display: French hyacinths, Muscari, tulips, daffodils, amaryllis, scented geraniums, pansies, trellised sweet peas, culinary herbs, hanging baskets, Spanish oregano, Alpine strawberries, Dianthus, and a collection of tropical plants and succulents. The bulbs and plants were grown by Conservancy Horticulturist Rosemary Aldridge; Gardeners Wesley Gage and David Rivera; and many volunteers.
The show will take place in the historic greenhouse in Elizabeth Park.
Meetings will be via Zoom if we cannot meet in person.
Presider – Madeleine Hexter
Spring Greenhouse Show
The Elizabeth Park Conservancy opens its Spring Greenhouse Show on Friday March 4, featuring a spectacular array of spring bulbs and plants. The show is FREE and open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, March 4 through Friday, March 11.
Included in the floral display: French hyacinths, Muscari, tulips, daffodils, amaryllis, scented geraniums, pansies, trellised sweet peas, culinary herbs, hanging baskets, Spanish oregano, Alpine strawberries, Dianthus, and a collection of tropical plants and succulents. The bulbs and plants were grown by Conservancy Horticulturist Rosemary Aldridge; Gardeners Wesley Gage and David Rivera; and many volunteers.
The show will take place in the historic greenhouse in Elizabeth Park.
Spring Greenhouse Show
The Elizabeth Park Conservancy opens its Spring Greenhouse Show on Friday March 4, featuring a spectacular array of spring bulbs and plants. The show is FREE and open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, March 4 through Friday, March 11.
Included in the floral display: French hyacinths, Muscari, tulips, daffodils, amaryllis, scented geraniums, pansies, trellised sweet peas, culinary herbs, hanging baskets, Spanish oregano, Alpine strawberries, Dianthus, and a collection of tropical plants and succulents. The bulbs and plants were grown by Conservancy Horticulturist Rosemary Aldridge; Gardeners Wesley Gage and David Rivera; and many volunteers.
The show will take place in the historic greenhouse in Elizabeth Park.
Due to Covid, we cannot go into Plant Housing to do the workshop but will continue to bring the donated (discarded) flowers from Whole Foods, Blue Back Square.
Contact Chuck or Justin 860-523-8500 at Whole Foods 3 days prior to save flowers with our name WH Garden Club. Contact Gary Bagdashian, the manager, at 860-462-7368 at Plant Housing that you will be bringing the flowers on that Wednesday. Pick up flowers at the flower kiosk between 10 am and 2 pm. and deliver to Plant Housing.
Civic Projects Committee, Helen Rubino-Turco and Ted Goerner will meet at Spicebush Park on Wednesday, March 9, at 4:15 pm to look at the site and discuss going forward with the idea to create a Bird Sanctuary & Pollinator Friendly Garden.
Helen has sent the attached beautiful, informative Bird Notes guide to creating a garden for birds from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Please take the time to peruse it before the meeting.
RSVP to Madeleine so that she wilI know who to expect: madzh@comcast.net
Spring Greenhouse Show
The Elizabeth Park Conservancy opens its Spring Greenhouse Show on Friday March 4, featuring a spectacular array of spring bulbs and plants. The show is FREE and open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, March 4 through Friday, March 11.
Included in the floral display: French hyacinths, Muscari, tulips, daffodils, amaryllis, scented geraniums, pansies, trellised sweet peas, culinary herbs, hanging baskets, Spanish oregano, Alpine strawberries, Dianthus, and a collection of tropical plants and succulents. The bulbs and plants were grown by Conservancy Horticulturist Rosemary Aldridge; Gardeners Wesley Gage and David Rivera; and many volunteers.
The show will take place in the historic greenhouse in Elizabeth Park.
“Pollinators, Seed Starting and Small Garden Rooms”
Speaker: John Lorusso
UConn Master Gardener Coordinator for Windham County
John is involved in numerous community projects and teaches extensively for the Master Gardener Programs and beyond. Come learn more about pollinators, seed starting and small garden rooms.
OPEN MEETING, Guest donation $10.00
Presider: Madeleine Hexter
Program: Beth Ann L. Sennett
Flower arrangement: Karen Whitehurst