We have decided to cancel our next Garden date of April 28th.
The following Garden date of May 12th will not be scheduled, but please feel free to drop in the Garden.
Thank you,
Linda Aldrich, Co-Chair, 860 227-2730
Steve Kovack, Co-Chair, 860 521-6563
Signup Sheet: http://www.westhartfordgardenclub.org/?page_id=2792
The weather looks pretty good. Thought I would prune the roses, do a little trimming, and rake the leaves in the corners of the courtyard to get ready for the mulch. Anyone interested in helping? Please join me with rake, clippers, and gloves in the back courtyard. RSVP Susan at rslindberg273@gmail.com
National authority Justin Martin will discuss the visionary landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, a Hartford native, who transformed the country’s social and political landscape. Best remembered for masterfully designing parks and public spaces, Olmsted was an important social reformer whose intent was to elevated the lives of his fellow citizens. Olmsted’s work is just as relevant today, with our urgent need to revitalize cities and widespread yearning for green spaces.
Directions on how to join the Zoom meeting will be emailed out before the meeting.
The Garden Therapy Committee is asking for a little help with mulching in the gardens. Please bring a garden rake and small shovel. Wear gloves and a mask. Susan will limit the number for social distancing.
Please RSVP to Susan rslindberg273@gmail.com or 860 561-3648.
Gardening on this date has been canceled. However, if anyone wants to, it is okay to go on your own if you are so inclined. Susan Grew will contact those who did sign up on this date to find out if they are open to a couple of hours working on their own.
Susan Grew at srider56@comcast.net
Signup Sheet: https://westhartfordgardenclub.org/?page_id=1703
It’s time for our May Garden Club meeting!
Because of the circumstances, we will have our meeting via Zoom. We understand that this is not ideal, but we are doing our best to keep our club active, productive and meaningful during this unsettling time. Nevertheless, our Program Committee has planned a creative program that taps into something we all love,
The General Business Meeting will begin at 12 noon on May 7, 2020 via Zoom.
The “Program,” April Showers Bring May Flowers, will follow. The purpose is to show each other what is in our spring gardens.
To that end you are invited to:
- Make and bring an arrangement from what’s growing in your garden: flowers, branches, vines. If you need oasis or chicken wire, contact Kathy Janis 860-521-0884.
- OR bring a mystery plant from your yard, show us and maybe a member can identify it.
- Each member will have approximately 1 minute describe plant material in his/her arrangement or to ask for help identifying mystery plant.
- Have your arrangement or mystery plant close by you, so when its your turn you can easily hold up and share.
If you choose not to make an arrangement, or bring a mystery plant, please come to the meeting to learn what’s going and enjoy each other’s company.
Zoom: You will receive your Zoom invitation via email on Wednesday.
Save up any treasures you may come across while spring house cleaning, either garden related or otherwise gently used items This will be the only RRR sale this year. If you have any questions, please contact Becky Hurvitz at bbhurvitz@gmail.com or phone 860 521-5953 or Susan Fellman at fellmansusan@gmail.com or phone 860 523-1096.
The May 12 gardening date is canceled as scheduled, but please feel free to drop by the Garden.
Thank you,
Linda Aldrich, Co-Chair, 860 227-2730
Steve Kovack, Co-Chair, 860 521-6563
Signup Sheet: http://www.westhartfordgardenclub.org/?page_id=2792