Spring Greenhouse Bulb & Plant Sale
Join us for a one-day plant sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 14 in Elizabeth Park’s historic greenhouse.
Plants may be purchased by cash or check only on the day of the sale. Visitors are asked to bring their own trays, boxes or carts to carry away their plant purchases.
Included in the floral display are French hyacinths, muscari, tulips, daffodils, amaryllis, scented geraniums, pansies, trellised sweet peas, culinary herbs, nasturtiums, hanging baskets, and Spanish oregano, as well as a collection of tropical plants and succulents.
The bulbs and plants were grown by Conservancy Horticulturist Rosemary Aldridge; Gardeners Wesley Gage and David Rivera, and many volunteers. City of Hartford Gardeners will assist with the show and sale.
The Spring Greenhouse Sale helps support Elizabeth Park Conservancy in its mission to maintain, restore and protect the gardens, grounds and buildings in Elizabeth Park.
The facility has been closed to all outside activities until further notice due to the Coronavirus.
We will NOT do our scheduled workshop on March 18th.
Spring is on the way and we hope that you will join us as we celebrate the wonderful flowers of the season. The theme of this workshop will be using branches (flowering and non) as line material in our arrangements. We have already seen some cherry blossom branches, pussy willows and forsythia at the stores. And of course there is also lovely plant material right in our own backyard.
The committee will send out further instructions once you sign up. Please if after you sign up, you find that you cannot attend, do call and let me know. While the committee will not be providing quantities of materials to share, it is helpful to know how many will be attending.
Do join us as we welcome Spring and go home with some lovely ideas for your holiday tables.
To sign up please call Barbara Cloonan at (860-236-3922) or email at rjcloonan@comcast.net.
“Container Gardening Design Trends”
Speaker: Barbara Pierson
White Flower Farms, Litchfield, CT
Barbara will discuss the latest in container gardening trends from new varieties of annuals, use of tropical plants and the latest in containers. Creating great containers start with the best plants for colorful foliage and flowers that continue through the season. Her top picks will be showcased along with specific growing instructions.
OPEN MEETING, Guest donation $10.00
Program: Kathy Janis
Flower Arrangement:Sharon Mulvey
Tea sandwiches, cookies and beverages will be served.
Please bring your clippers.
Please plan to give us at least one hour of your time during the morning. Please bring your favorite tools for weeding and pruning. One of us will arrive at the garden by 8:30 a.m. Need a ride or directions? Let one of us know when you reply.
PARKING: Parking will be in the newly paved lot next to the Amos Bull House on South Prospect Street. We encourage you to carpool as space is limited.
We plan to work if the rain is light. If it is pouring, you will get a cancellation call by 8:00 a.m.
• If you are unable to work on your signup date, please let one of us know so that we can reschedule you and help you find a replacement for your shift.
• Kindly confirm that you have received this message, by replying to Linda at ljaldrich@hotmail.com, Steve at z.kovack@comcast.net, or Glenda at glendathomas001@yahoo.com.
Thank you for helping to make the Butler McCook Garden such a treasure for the greater Hartford region.
Best regards,
Linda Aldrich, Co-Chair, 860 227-2730
Steve Kovack, Co-Chair, 860 521-6563
Glenda Thomas, Co-Chair, 860 521-4637
Signup Sheet: http://www.westhartfordgardenclub.org/?page_id=2792
Lecture | Nature Into Art: Lessons from the Gardens of Wave Hill by Thomas Christopher
Join author Thomas Christopher for a lush photographic tour of Wave Hill’s celebrated gardens, and learn the lessons that they can teach you about making your own garden more beautiful and
rewarding. Click HERE to Register.
Thomas Christopher is a graduate of the New York Botanical Garden School of Professional Horticulture and has been designing and maintaining gardens for more than four decades. A former contributing editor to Martha Stewart Living magazine, he is the author of more than a dozen books about gardening, most recently Nature into Art: The Gardens of Wave Hill. He also produces a weekly podcast, “Growing Greener,” a series of interviews with leaders of environmentally-informed gardening that is dedicated to making your landscape healthier, more sustainable, more beautiful, and more fun. His weekly column, “Be A Better Gardener,” circulates to more than 25 regional publications in southern and central New England with a total readership of 250,000. Thomas gardens in central Connecticut and the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts.
Gardening on this date has been canceled. However, if anyone wants to, it is okay to go on your own if you are so inclined. Susan Grew will contact those who did sign up on this date to find out if they are open to a couple of hours working on their own.
Susan Grew at srider56@comcast.net
Signup Sheet: https://westhartfordgardenclub.org/?page_id=1703