1. Shifts are scheduled from 8:30 am to 10:30 am.
2. At least 3 volunteers are needed for each shift.
3. If it is raining on your scheduled day, the rain date will be the next day.
4. Plan to bring the same items you take to work at Butler-McCook.
Any questions, please contact Marj Johnson at mejohnson3@outlook.com or Irene Clark at i.clark@sbcglobal.net.
As a special surprise for the 50th Anniversary Party at the Noah Webster House, help is needed to create some old-fashioned tussie mussies to hand out to the first arrivals. Colonial women tucked tussie mussies in their aprons and bosoms to help with the smells. Tussie mussies have been around since the Middle Ages. They were also popular in Victorian times.
Please gather and bring by 10 am herbs, small head flowers and grasses from your gardens and the roadside, like Queen Anne’s Lace and golden rod. Sheila Daley will be leading the workshop.
Noah Webster House is hosting a celebration of the 50th anniversary of The West Hartford Garden Club becoming the sole caretaker of the museum’s reproduction colonial garden. The West Hartford Garden Club and Noah Webster House are hosting a ceremony and reception at the Noah Webster House. After some brief comments, refreshments will be provided by the staff and WHGC members. Guests will be encouraged to tour the garden.