Volunteers are needed to help with setup on Friday, May 19, and to assist at the actual sale the next day. We
look forward to everyone’s participation!
For more information, contact Julia Sauter at 860 310-2279 or Susan Grew 860 995-5925.
Our Spring 2023 Plant Sale will be held on Saturday, May 20, at the Noah Webster House. The Plant Sale has
traditionally been a profitable event for our Club. We ask all members to consider donating plants from their
own gardens.
For more information, contact Julia Sauter at 860 310-2279 or Susan Grew at 860 995-5925.
Park in back of Jimmy’s Pizza (Farmington Avenue) walk around back of building.
Please remember to bring your gardening tools.
If you are unable to work on your signup date, please try to find a replacement and let us know so that we can reschedule you.
Susan Grew at srider56@comcast.net or Maureen Gould at mcgould89@comcast.net.
We will meet with the students and assist them in planting flowers. The children will help with the watering. Garden club members will provide the tools for planting. Please bring a watering container if possible.
Please RSVP to Margaret at mpulito@gmail.com or call her at 860 521-1026.
Perennial Garden Tour with Horticulturist Rosemary Aldridge
Join us for a tour of the Elizabeth Park Perennial Garden led by Horticulturist Rosemary Aldridge.
Tour is FREE and begins at the flagpole outside the green Cottage.
Please remember to bring your gardening tools.
If you are unable to work on your signup date, please try to find a replacement and let us know so that we can reschedule you.
Susan Grew at srider56@comcast.net or Maureen Gould at mcgould89@comcast.net.
This is a night to “showcase sustainability in our community.”
Because of the ongoing Boulevard paving project and its impact on Mountain Road traffic, the meeting will be changed to Margaret Pulito’s home at 17 Owing Rd, West Hartford.
Please follow the usual protocol for arrival at a board meeting.
Please email Mpulito@gmail.com if you plan to attend.
Helping residents fill planters so being gardening tools.