The West Hartford Garden Club

Master Calendar

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CT Horticultural Society – David Culp’s “A Bountiful Year”
Sep 15 @ 7:00 pm
Join us Thursday!

A Bountiful Year: Six Seasons of Beauty from Brandywine Cottage

with David Culp

7:30 pm on Zoom – or join us in person at the Emanuel Synagogue 

(160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford)

at 7 pm

FREE for members, $10 non member donation

Connecticut Horticultural Society and New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill are thrilled to be co-sponsoring this event.

David Culp blurs the lines between indoor and outdoor living through his celebrated garden, Brandywine Cottage. In his talk, based on his most recent book of the same name, he offers recipes, a garden to-do list and tips on flower arrangements. He provides his favorite mail order sources and cover gardening for biodiversity and wildlife habitat, and discusses the creation of the meadow at Brandywine Cottage, plants for dry places. He even mentions some of his favorite weeds!

David Culp is the creator of the gardens at Brandywine Cottage in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. He has been lecturing about gardens nationwide for more than 15 years. His articles have appeared in Martha Stewart Living, Country Living, Fine Gardening, Green Scene, and many other publications. He is a former contributing editor to Horticulture magazine and served as chairman of the Mid-Atlantic Hardy Plant Society. He is an herbaceous perennials instructor at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA.

David has developed the Brandywine Hybrid strain of hellebores, and was recently cited in the Wall Street Journal for his expertise on snowdrops. Brandywine Cottage is listed in the Smithsonian Institution Archives of American Gardens. His best-selling 2013 book, The Layered Garden, was selected by Garden Writers Association as the 2013 Best Overall Book. He is a recipient of the Distinguished Garden Award from the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society 1997 and 2016, and has also been awarded the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Award of Merit.

Click here to join us via Zoom

  • Meeting ID: 889 3432 3912
  • Passcode: 819265
  • Or call in to join us on the phone: 646-558-8656 (the meeting ID and the passcode are the same for phone calls.)

When you link to the meeting, please choose to not appear on screen. Also, please mute your phone/computer microphone. David’s presentation is what will be visible and heard. His talk will be followed by a question & answer session. Questions must be typed in and the moderator will present the question to David for all to hear. Log in anytime between 7:15 and 7:30, and you will be let in from the Zoom ‘waiting room’ when the presentation is about to start, at about 7:30.

If you can’t join us Thursday, not to worry. David’s talk will be recorded and the link will be sent to all members the week after the meeting. This is just one of the many features of membership – we thank you for supporting our efforts.

If you opt to attend in person, feel free to bring gardening-related items (plants, books, etc.) for our ‘Garden Market’ – all proceeds go directly to our Scholarship Fund.

Enjoy the presentation!

~Mary Anna




Noah Webster Dooryard Garden @ Noah Webster House
Sep 21 @ 8:00 am – 10:00 am
FGCCT – Environmental School Course 1
Sep 22 @ 8:00 am – Sep 23 @ 5:00 pm

Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut present Environmental School Course 1:

“The Living Earth” on September 22 & 23, 2022, via Zoom.

Join us and learn from experts in the field of Environmental Science.  In this overview of earth science, we will learn about the four major components of Earth’s life support system: air, soil, water and living things. Environmental School courses are recognized for their superb presenters. This year the course will feature the following:

Oswald Schmitz, PhD.,Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

Susan Quincy, CT DEEP Environmental Educator

Greg Bugbee, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

Robert LaFrance, Audubon Connecticut

Carrie Szwed, Education Director, White Memorial Conservation Center

Margery Winters, Environmental Scientist

Paul Tanner, Hydrogeologist, Environmental Professional

Tessa Getchis, Sea Grant

During this 2-day course, these academics, environmentalists and industry leaders will guide you through a wide range of topics. There are 8 one-hour modules, plus a 2-hour virtual field trip, covering environmental science, the value of Biodiversity, Earth stewardship, Sustainability and the impact of humans on the planet.

Learn how to make personal changes to benefit the Earth and how to work effectively with organizations and institutions to create beneficial policies.  Make connections! Share ideas with fellow garden club members from Connecticut and around the United States during this lively 2-day offering.

Environmental School courses are designed to teach participants environmental literacy and an appreciation of the natural world. The courses are open to garden club members and the general public.  Garden club members may, upon completion of all four courses offered by Environmental Schools, join the Environmental Consultants Council. Courses may be taken in any order.

Please register online at  For additional information, please contact Millie Legenhausen or Virginia Casanova, CT Environmental School Co-Chairs, at

From the office of The Federated Garden Clubs of CT

Barbara Romblad, Office Administrator

P.O. Box 854

Branford, CT 06405

203 488-5528

FGCCT – Environmental School Course 1
Sep 23 @ 8:00 am – Sep 24 @ 5:00 pm

Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut present Environmental School Course 1:

“The Living Earth” on September 22 & 23, 2022, via Zoom.

Join us and learn from experts in the field of Environmental Science.  In this overview of earth science, we will learn about the four major components of Earth’s life support system: air, soil, water and living things. Environmental School courses are recognized for their superb presenters. This year the course will feature the following:

Oswald Schmitz, PhD.,Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

Susan Quincy, CT DEEP Environmental Educator

Greg Bugbee, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

Robert LaFrance, Audubon Connecticut

Carrie Szwed, Education Director, White Memorial Conservation Center

Margery Winters, Environmental Scientist

Paul Tanner, Hydrogeologist, Environmental Professional

Tessa Getchis, Sea Grant

During this 2-day course, these academics, environmentalists and industry leaders will guide you through a wide range of topics. There are 8 one-hour modules, plus a 2-hour virtual field trip, covering environmental science, the value of Biodiversity, Earth stewardship, Sustainability and the impact of humans on the planet.

Learn how to make personal changes to benefit the Earth and how to work effectively with organizations and institutions to create beneficial policies.  Make connections! Share ideas with fellow garden club members from Connecticut and around the United States during this lively 2-day offering.

Environmental School courses are designed to teach participants environmental literacy and an appreciation of the natural world. The courses are open to garden club members and the general public.  Garden club members may, upon completion of all four courses offered by Environmental Schools, join the Environmental Consultants Council. Courses may be taken in any order.

Please register online at  For additional information, please contact Millie Legenhausen or Virginia Casanova, CT Environmental School Co-Chairs, at

From the office of The Federated Garden Clubs of CT

Barbara Romblad, Office Administrator

P.O. Box 854

Branford, CT 06405

203 488-5528

Field Trip @ Wickham Park
Sep 23 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

The guided tour is from 10:30 am to 12 noon followed by lunch at Burton’s in Evergreen Walk for the first 20 people who sign up.  Rain date is September 28. Carpooling will be coordinated closer to the event.

More information will be available soon.

Butler-McCook Gardening @ Butler-McCook
Sep 27 @ 8:30 am – 10:30 am
Floral Design Committee – Horizontal Design
Sep 27 @ 2:00 pm

Floral Design Committee

Presents a class on

Horizontal Design

Tuesday – September 27, 2022

2:00pm – Zoom


Executive Board Meeting @ Billie Reese
Oct 3 @ 10:00 am

Meeting will be via Zoom if we cannot meet in person.


Noah Webster Dooryard Garden @ Noah Webster House
Oct 5 @ 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Open Meeting @ St. John's Episcopal Church
Oct 6 @ 12:00 pm

Current Trends in Floral Design”

Speaker: Sandra Lamo

Owner, A Special Place Floral Design Studio, West Hartford, CT

Local floral designer Sandra will present the latest in floral design using her creative talents.

OPEN MEETING, Guest donation $10.00

Program: Beth Ann L. Sennett

Flower arrangement: Nancy Lemega-Watt

Tea sandwiches, cookies and beverages will be served.