Linda and Steve need several more people for this Friday to put the Butler-McCook garden to rest for the winter. We will start at 8:30 am on November 4. We will be digging out cannas and planting daffodils and tulips. Please respond to Linda by phone or text at 860-227-2730 if you can make it.
We are looking for one or two extra hands, to help put the garden to bed for the season. We’ll be digging up Canna Bulbs, planting Daffodils and Tulips and, lightly, trimming Roses.
Please respond to Linda Aldrich
Call or text 860-227-2730
Meeting will be via Zoom if we cannot meet in person.
“Holiday Tablescapes”
Speaker: Rachael Flamme
Florist at the Riverside Garden Center and Nursery in Collinsville, CT
Rachael will show us how to create a Thanksgiving tablescape and how to transition it to Christmas and/or Hanukkah tablescapes.
OPEN MEETING, Guest donation $10.00
Program: Peggy Bliss
Flower arrangement: Charlotte Massie
Tea sandwiches, cookies and beverages will be served.
A Holiday/Fall arrangement activity will be held for Club members at the Noah Webster House between 1-3 p.m. This is planned to be an unstructured, fun get together group activity. Those interested should bring plant material
and containers of their liking. In a case of veggie-based containers, we ask that these are already hollowed as we need to clear the meeting room in NWH promptly by 3 p.m.
Join us Thursday! “Shrubs, the New Perennial” with Lorraine Ballato
noon – 5 pm on Thursdays & Sundays
noon – 7 pm on Fridays & Saturdays
Open early, 10 am – noon, each day for group tour reservations
Check their website for times and details

noon – 5 pm on Thursdays & Sundays
noon – 7 pm on Fridays & Saturdays
Open early, 10 am – noon, each day for group tour reservations
Check their website for times and details

noon – 5 pm on Thursdays & Sundays
noon – 7 pm on Fridays & Saturdays
Open early, 10 am – noon, each day for group tour reservations
Check their website for times and details

noon – 5 pm on Thursdays & Sundays
noon – 7 pm on Fridays & Saturdays
Open early, 10 am – noon, each day for group tour reservations
Check their website for times and details