Committee & Garden Owners:
You are invited to come to the Autumn Splendor Tour Wrap-up meeting/party Friday, October 1, at 4 pm. at Madeleine’s house: 142 Bainbridge Road, West Hartford, CT 06119.
The weather looks good for a bonfire so she is planning to get through the agenda by 5 so we can light the fire and pop the champagne then.
Committee members please send Madeleine your reports as a document in an email by Thursday night so that she can add them to the agenda and final report.
If the weather is good, we will meet outside, so bring a chair with you. If the weather is bad, Peggy says that we can meet inside so then bring a mask. As usual, we can begin gathering at 10 am; but the actual meeting will begin at 10:30 am. There is plenty of parking along Peggy’s driveway.
Presider – Joan Martin
Acting Recording Secretary – Susan Petty-Bailer
Please remember to bring your gardening tools and to wear a mask.
If it is raining, the rain date will be the next day.
ZOOM MEETING, Guests welcome
Guests are welcome to join our Zoom presentation on October 7 at no charge.
Please pre-register by 12:00 noon on Wednesday, October 6, 2021, here.
“Opportunities for Moss, Ferns and Their Cronies in Stony New England Landscapes”
Speaker: Steve Colgan
Advanced Master Gardener
Steve will help debunk the myths of moss and suggest ways to incorporate moss and ferns in your garden.
OPEN MEETING, Guest donation $10.00
Presider: Joan Martin
Program: Beth Ann L. Sennett
Please remember to bring your gardening tools and to wear a mask.
As part of the in-person luncheon, there was going to be a “Pumpkins on Parade II” at 9:00 am prior to the start of the Awards meeting. Since the Awards meeting is now virtual, so too will be the Pumpkins on Parade. If you’d like to enter, please see instructions below.
Remember, “Pumpkins on Parade II” is open to any FGCCT member who would like to enter.
FYI – stage your entry on a neutral background with bright, indirect light. Daylight works best, and you want to avoid any harsh shadows.
A 2021 Floral Design Challenge Opportunity!
We had such fun last year, that we’re doing it again!
You’re invited to create a fall design using seasonal flowers and a real pumpkin! Share a photo and perhaps your design will be featured as part of the FGCCT’s virtual Awards Meeting on October 27th.
From those entered, six (6) designs will be chosen by a panel. (Photo entries will be identified only by number.) The six photos will be shown during The Federation’s Awards Meeting Webinar. Attendees will vote for their favorite design, and the results will be announced before the end of the meeting.
Just take a photo of your design and send it as an attachment to Trish Manfredi, Judges Council Chair, at by October 14, 5 p.m. In the email, list the common names of the plant material uses. Dried material, real fruits and vegetables, ribbon, wire, etc. are OK. Also, no faux/artificial flowers, foliage, fruits, vegetables, etc. are permitted. No invasive or endangered plant material by be used.
The winning design and all top six entries will be posted on the Federation’s website for everyone to enjoy.
Please remember to bring your gardening tools and to wear a mask.
If it is raining, the rain date will be the next day.
Join us!
Garden Rooms —
Inspirations and Ideas
and our annual bulb sale!
Thursday, Oct. 21
7:30 pm on Zoom – or join us in person at the Emanuel Synagogue
(160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford) at 7pm.
Gordon’s presentation will include garden rooms that he and his wife have on their property as well as others he has designed across the country. With this real-life cross-section of photos, Gordon will explore the principles behind the garden room in a way that will encourage listeners to create their own rooms. Our members have also shared photos of their own garden rooms and Gordon will discuss a selection of these in his presentation as well.
Gordon is a nationally recognized garden writer and lecturer, having lectured in forty states. He wrote for Horticulture Magazine for 25 years and lectured with the magazine on nine multi-city lecture tours with four other designers across America. He and his wife Mary, who grew up in the North Cotswold Hills of England, have been developing a 1 1/2 acre garden around their 220-year-old farmhouse in southern Vermont for the past thirty-five years. Their garden is registered in the searchable Archives of American Gardens at The Smithsonian Institution.
We are also having our annual bulb sale! We’ll be at the Emanuel Synagogue Auditorium – we invite you to join us! Masks will be required at all times in the Synagogue, regardless of your vaccination status. Because of that, we will be unable to offer refreshments for those that join us. If you would prefer to join us virtually, please see the Zoom link below. We will resend the link on Thursday afternoon prior to the meeting.
Click here to join us via Zoom.
· Meeting ID: 824 5827 3041
· Passcode: 112741
· Or call in to join us on the phone: 646-558-8656 (the meeting ID and the passcode are the same for phone calls.)
When you link to the meeting please choose to not appear on screen. Also, please mute your phone/computer microphone. Bill’s presentation is what will be visible and heard. His talk will be followed by a question & answer session. Questions must be typed in and the moderator will present the question to Bill for all to hear. Log in anytime between 7:15 and 7:30, and you will be let in from the Zoom ‘waiting room’ when the presentation is about to start, at about 7:30.
If you can’t join us, not to worry. Gordon’s talk will be recorded and the link will be sent to all members the week after the meeting. This is just one of the many features of membership – we thank you for supporting our efforts.
We’ll send another reminder to join us prior to the presentation.
Thank you.
~Mary Anna
P.S. An important reminder: Emanuel Synagogue requires that their entrances remain locked and monitored. We have been requested to institute formal sign-in procedures for added safety and security at their facility. Please bear this in mind and we appreciate your patience as we carry out their request. Thank you.
Please remember to bring your gardening tools and to wear a mask.
The FGCCT Awards banquet was recently changed from in person at the Aqua Turf to virtual on Zoom. All members are welcome to attend at no cost. The registration link is

Mark your calendars now for Wednesday, October 27, for the 92nd Annual FGCCT Awards Meeting and Luncheon. Over 80 State and National Awards will be presented for the exceptional work Clubs have done during the past year. It is wonderful to see how much can be accomplished and you’ll come away with ideas for projects you can undertake for your town.
The meeting commences at 10 A.M. One of the highlights of the event will be “Pumpkins on Parade II.” Fabulous floral designs featuring a pumpkin, flowers and more will be available for your enjoyment. You’ll be able to vote for 1) Most creative, 2) Best use of color, and 3) Best use of plant material.
Check back soon to access registration forms: