Please plan to give us at least one hour of your time during the morning. Please bring your favorite tools for weeding and pruning. One of us will arrive at the garden by 8:30 a.m. Need a ride or directions? Let one of us know when you reply.
PARKING: Parking will be in the newly paved lot next to the Amos Bull House on South Prospect Street. We encourage you to carpool as space is limited.
We plan to work if the rain is light. If it is pouring, you will get a cancellation call by 8:00 a.m.
• If you are unable to work on your signup date, please let one of us know so that we can reschedule you and help you find a replacement for your shift.
• Kindly confirm that you have received this message, by replying to Linda at, Steve at, or Glenda at
Thank you for helping to make the Butler McCook Garden such a treasure for the greater Hartford region.
Best regards,
Linda Aldrich, Co-Chair, 860 227-2730
Steve Kovack, Co-Chair, 860 521-6563
Glenda Thomas, Co-Chair, 860 521-4637
Signup Sheet:
Lecture | Nature Into Art: Lessons from the Gardens of Wave Hill by Thomas Christopher
Join author Thomas Christopher for a lush photographic tour of Wave Hill’s celebrated gardens, and learn the lessons that they can teach you about making your own garden more beautiful and
rewarding. Click HERE to Register.
Thomas Christopher is a graduate of the New York Botanical Garden School of Professional Horticulture and has been designing and maintaining gardens for more than four decades. A former contributing editor to Martha Stewart Living magazine, he is the author of more than a dozen books about gardening, most recently Nature into Art: The Gardens of Wave Hill. He also produces a weekly podcast, “Growing Greener,” a series of interviews with leaders of environmentally-informed gardening that is dedicated to making your landscape healthier, more sustainable, more beautiful, and more fun. His weekly column, “Be A Better Gardener,” circulates to more than 25 regional publications in southern and central New England with a total readership of 250,000. Thomas gardens in central Connecticut and the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts.
Gardening on this date has been canceled. However, if anyone wants to, it is okay to go on your own if you are so inclined. Susan Grew will contact those who did sign up on this date to find out if they are open to a couple of hours working on their own.
Susan Grew at
Signup Sheet:
Celebrate spring at the Wadsworth Atheneum’s 39th Annual Fine Art & Flowers! Florists, garden clubs, and interior designers from across New England create floral arrangements and garden designs inspired by masterworks from the museum’s collection to display during this fundraising event. More than 60 exceptional floral designs are expected this year, and will be showcased throughout the museum galleries beside the artworks that inspired them.
The 39th Annual Fine Art & Flowers is presented by the Women’s Committee of the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art. All event proceeds fund exhibitions and educational programs.
The prices below reflect a $3 fundraising surcharge that is added to all museum admission fees during Fine Art & Flowers.
Members: $3
Hartford Residents: $3
Adults: $18
Seniors: $15
Students: $8
Youth (age 17 & under): $3
Please Note: The Wadsworth Atheneum usually waives admission fees every Wednesday–Sunday from 4–5 pm. Please note that guests visiting the museum at these times during the Fine Art & Flowers fundraiser will be charged $3 for their admission.
Groups of 10 or more will receive a discount by reservation only. To schedule a group visit, call (860) 838-4046.
Are you visiting the Wadsworth Atheneum for the first time, or returning after some time away? You’ll find lots of helpful information on our Directions & Parking page, and even more tips on our Planning Your Visit page.
Celebrate spring at the Wadsworth Atheneum’s 39th Annual Fine Art & Flowers! Florists, garden clubs, and interior designers from across New England create floral arrangements and garden designs inspired by masterworks from the museum’s collection to display during this fundraising event. More than 60 exceptional floral designs are expected this year, and will be showcased throughout the museum galleries beside the artworks that inspired them.
The 39th Annual Fine Art & Flowers is presented by the Women’s Committee of the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art. All event proceeds fund exhibitions and educational programs.
The prices below reflect a $3 fundraising surcharge that is added to all museum admission fees during Fine Art & Flowers.
Members: $3
Hartford Residents: $3
Adults: $18
Seniors: $15
Students: $8
Youth (age 17 & under): $3
Please Note: The Wadsworth Atheneum usually waives admission fees every Wednesday–Sunday from 4–5 pm. Please note that guests visiting the museum at these times during the Fine Art & Flowers fundraiser will be charged $3 for their admission.
Groups of 10 or more will receive a discount by reservation only. To schedule a group visit, call (860) 838-4046.
Are you visiting the Wadsworth Atheneum for the first time, or returning after some time away? You’ll find lots of helpful information on our Directions & Parking page, and even more tips on our Planning Your Visit page.
Celebrate spring at the Wadsworth Atheneum’s 39th Annual Fine Art & Flowers! Florists, garden clubs, and interior designers from across New England create floral arrangements and garden designs inspired by masterworks from the museum’s collection to display during this fundraising event. More than 60 exceptional floral designs are expected this year, and will be showcased throughout the museum galleries beside the artworks that inspired them.
The 39th Annual Fine Art & Flowers is presented by the Women’s Committee of the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art. All event proceeds fund exhibitions and educational programs.
The prices below reflect a $3 fundraising surcharge that is added to all museum admission fees during Fine Art & Flowers.
Members: $3
Hartford Residents: $3
Adults: $18
Seniors: $15
Students: $8
Youth (age 17 & under): $3
Please Note: The Wadsworth Atheneum usually waives admission fees every Wednesday–Sunday from 4–5 pm. Please note that guests visiting the museum at these times during the Fine Art & Flowers fundraiser will be charged $3 for their admission.
Groups of 10 or more will receive a discount by reservation only. To schedule a group visit, call (860) 838-4046.
Are you visiting the Wadsworth Atheneum for the first time, or returning after some time away? You’ll find lots of helpful information on our Directions & Parking page, and even more tips on our Planning Your Visit page.
We have decided to cancel our next Garden date of April 28th.
The following Garden date of May 12th will not be scheduled, but please feel free to drop in the Garden.
Thank you,
Linda Aldrich, Co-Chair, 860 227-2730
Steve Kovack, Co-Chair, 860 521-6563
Signup Sheet:
The weather looks pretty good. Thought I would prune the roses, do a little trimming, and rake the leaves in the corners of the courtyard to get ready for the mulch. Anyone interested in helping? Please join me with rake, clippers, and gloves in the back courtyard. RSVP Susan at