Festival of Trees – CANCELED
This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the awards meeting will be held as a webinar. Following is the link to registration for the 91st Annual Awards Meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_N_YDWF_pS66NK_RSwaULKg Remember that Tina Collias has been nominated for All-Around Tribute Award.
The Elizabeth Park Conservancy is proud to announce the opening to the public of the new Garmany Visitor Center & Gift Shop Visitor Center & Gift Shop Hours The Center and Gift Shop will be open every day through mid-October from 12 noon to 5 pm Masks are Required…
Due to not having an in-person General Meeting the sale will be at Sharon Mulvey’s, 101 Waterside Lane. Drop off of sale related items can be done any time before the 6th. The committee will set up for the sale. An eBlast will be sent to the membership now and…
Members will be notified as to where and how. “Holiday Extras”
Since we are still practicing Covid-19 distancing and sanitation, the following are a few suggestions for our gathering: 1) Please bring your own chair. 2) Bring your mask, in case we decide to get close. 3) We will be outdoors in the backyard. Feel free to park in driveway. 4)…
We are NOT going to meet today for the Co-Presidents party as we have definite stormy weather in our path. We will meet next Wednesday, July 15, from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. It is suppose to be a nice, sunny afternoon.
Menu Join us for a lovely luncheon as we celebrate Another year of friendship and accomplishments of the West Hartford Garden Club. CLOSED MEETING, RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Program: Program Committee Flower arrangements: Floral Design Committee
Join us for a plant sale in support of the Elizabeth Park Rose Garden. The sale will feature bulbs and rose bushes from the Elizabeth Park Collection. Please practice social distancing by keeping a six-foot distance from others when possible. Masks are required. The Asylum Avenue entrance will be open…