Seed Conservation Safari with the Seed Huntress
See link below: Sefra Alexandra Seed Huntress Nov. 1
See link below: Sefra Alexandra Seed Huntress Nov. 1
This is a property of Traprock Ridge Land Trust (which West Hartford Land Trust joined). WHGC and the Land Trust work together on TREX Community soft plastic recycling program and other local initiatives such as Spicebush.
Join Conservancy Horticulturist Rosemary Aldridge for a Dividing Perennials Workshop on Thursday, September 21, at 10 a.m. in Elizabeth Park’s Perennial Garden. Beginners and experienced gardeners alike are invited to participate. It’s recommended that participants bring their own gloves, kneeling pads, trowel or small shovel to the workshop. The Conservancy…
The Connecticut Daylily Society invites you and your club members to our next meeting, September 23. There is a noon social hour with light refreshments and then our speaker, Adele Keohan, member of the New England Daylily Society and editor of the national daylily society’s outstanding journal. Adele will speak…
September 14, 2023 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM September 14, 2023 01:00 PM – 02:00 PM Robert A. Prill Annual Garden Tours Horticulturist Rosemary Aldridge will lead tours of the Robert A. Prill Annual Garden on Thursday, September 14, at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Each year, the Robert A.…
Please bring pruners, scissors and garden gloves. You may, also, bring your own container.
Nature’s Best Hope: book discussion Tuesday, November 14, 2023 Join us for a discussion of Nature’s Best Hope, with special guest appearances by industry experts, as well as time to share your personal Homegrown National Park success stories. Register for this event here.
Homegrown National Park: Virtual Lecture with Doug Tallamy Tuesday, October 24, 2023, 7pm Our parks, preserves, and remaining wildlands – no matter how grand in scale – are too small and separated from one another to sustain the native trees, plants, insects and animals on which our ecosystems depend. We…