General Meeting will be a virtual meeting

General Meeting will be a virtual meeting

May 7, 2020 @ 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Madeleine Hexter
860 904-5426

It’s time for our May Garden Club meeting!

Because of the circumstances, we will have our meeting via Zoom. We understand that this is not ideal, but we are doing our best to keep our club active, productive and meaningful during this unsettling time. Nevertheless, our Program Committee has planned a creative program that taps into something we all love,


The General Business Meeting will begin at 12 noon on May 7, 2020 via Zoom.

The “Program,” April Showers Bring May Flowers, will follow. The purpose is to show each other what is in our spring gardens.

To that end you are invited to:

  • Make and bring an arrangement from what’s growing in your garden:  flowers, branches, vines. If you need oasis or chicken wire, contact Kathy Janis 860-521-0884.
  • OR bring a mystery plant from your yard, show us and maybe a member can identify it.
  • Each member will have approximately 1 minute describe plant material in his/her arrangement or to ask for help identifying mystery plant.
  • Have your arrangement or mystery plant close by you, so when its your turn you can easily hold up and share.

If you choose not to make an arrangement, or bring a mystery plant, please come to the meeting to learn what’s going and enjoy each other’s company.

Zoom:  You will receive your Zoom invitation via email on Wednesday.