Field Trip – Enders Island, Mystic, CT

Field Trip – Enders Island, Mystic, CT

September 12, 2024 @ 9:30 am
St. Edmund's Retreat Center
1 Enders Island
Charlotte Massie
860 561-1616

The Field Trip Committee is planning on an outing to the St. Edmund’s Retreat Center on Enders Island, Mystic, CT, on Thursday September 12, to see the 2,000 Dahlia sanctuary on 11 acres along the shore. This was the home of Dr. Thomas and Alys Enders who gifted the home and land in 1954. Rain date will be Friday September 13.

We will have a guided tour (beginning at 11 am) followed by box lunch of cranberry salad wrap, cape cod potato chips, pickle, chocolate chip cookie and water bottle to enjoy around the property at various tables and chairs or on a rock by the water. They have seating to accommodate 30 people around the gardens.

Indicate when submitting check if you have any dietary restrictions. They can accommodate most restrictions. Car pooling will be coordinated so please indicate when signing up if you are willing to drive others and if you do NOT require carpooling. Final count will be taken on September 3rd.

Please make your check out to WHGC for $20.00.* Check enclosed to WHGC $20.00* Willing to drive? Or I do not need a ride.* Any dietary restrictions?

* Send checks to Charlotte Massie @ 117 Buena Vista Road, West Hartford, CT 06107

This is going to be a fantastic Field Trip.
We hope you can attend.
Charlotte Massie
Billie Reese
Field Trip Co-Chairs