FGCCT’s “April in Paris”

FGCCT’s “April in Paris”

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February 23, 2019 @ 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
CT Convention Center
100 Columbus Blvd
Hartford, CT 06103

For more information go to the following:


Flower Show Volunteers Requested.

Have you always wanted to stroll along the Avenue des Champs-Elysees or see the Eiffel Tower? If so, please join us as a volunteer host/ hostess in February 21-24 for our flower show “April in Paris,” at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford. We appreciate that many of you volunteered last year.  We are looking forward to seeing you again and we hope you can encourage more of your club members to join you in this fun endeavor. Please share this note with other members in your club

The working shifts are:

Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

10 am-12:30pm12:30- 3:00 pm, and 3pm-5pm.

We are looking for fifteen volunteers per shift.  There are benches for resting on the showroom floor.  This year there will be an opportunity for one or two people per shift to staff the hospitality room as well as one or two people per shift to staff the FGCCT Volunteer sign in table near the main show entrance.

Please respond to this email:  showvolunteers@yahoo.com with the time you wish for your shift, your name as you would like it to appear on your name tag, and the name of your club. If you are signing up other members as well, please include their Name and Email address. We will confirm your choice of time, your assignment, and send you further information/instructions as time gets closer. Remember that you will receive free admission to the show in return for your volunteer shift.

New this year:  we will have an opportunity to tour the floral designs with a flower show judge! The judge will explain how the designs are judged.  There will be a people’s choice award again this year.

From: Beth