CT Horticultural Society –  Knockout Natives Lecture

CT Horticultural Society – Knockout Natives Lecture

June 20, 2024 @ 7:00 pm
Zoom Lecture
Click here for the accompanying website to the presentation.


Join Sam Hoadley, the Manager of Horticultural Research at Mt. Cuba Center, as he highlights knockout native species and cultivars from their trials. Top performers and favorites of Monarda, Phlox, Helenium, Echinacea, wild hydrangea, Carex, and Vernonia represent some of the best native plants for the mid-Atlantic region and beyond. Sam will discuss their horticultural and ecological performance and will share important information on standouts that will make beautiful additions to your garden.


Parking info for the church: We encourage you to carpool to the church for Mr. Hoadley’s presentation. There is metered on-street parking on College, Court, and Broad Streets which is free after 6 pm.


The Middlesex Corporate Center parking garage also has parking and the entrance is on College Street between Main Street and Broad Street, one block south of the church with a pedestrian path from just east of the parking garage entrance directly to the front of the church. It charges .75 cents per half hour.


The Russell Library parking lot entrance is on Broad Street, just north of Russell Library, between Court Street and Washington Street. It charges $1/hour until 8 pm.

Please join us at the presentation!

Your vote is needed in person to pass the needed amendments to our bylaws

It’s time to amend our bylaws and we need your help, as members, to vote to make those changes.


As a member of CT Hort, your input is key. In order to vote in the changes needed to amend the bylaws, we must have an in-person quorum of at least 50 members at our June 20 meeting to vote on approval of the bylaw changes.


For details about the changes, please see pages 4 & 5 in the April newsletter at https://cthort.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/CHS-April-2024-WEB.pdf

Click here to join us via Zoom

  • Meeting ID: 847 8964 6129
  • Passcode: 761065
  • Or call in to join us on the phone: 646-558-8656 (the meeting ID and the passcode are the same for phone calls.)

Copy and paste this web address if clicking the link doesn’t work for you: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84789646129?pwd=ZXo2ME05am5QRGp6VFAyZGV0NUlydz09

When you link to the meeting, please choose to not appear on screen. Also, please mute your phone/computer microphone. Sam’s presentation is what will be visible and heard. His talk will both be followed by a question & answer session. Questions must be typed in and the moderator will present the questions to Sam for all to hear. Log in anytime between 6:45-7:00 pm, and you will be let in from the Zoom ‘waiting room’ when the presentation is about to start, at 7:00 pm.


Enjoy the evening!

~Mary Anna