50 South Main Street
West Hartford
The West Hartford Garden Club will have a table at this Earth Day event.
Rain date 4/21/24: Earth Day at Blue Back Square (see Earth Day flyer). The West Hartford Garden Club is one of the event sponsors. At our booth, which we are sharing with UCONN Master Gardeners, attendees will be able to make native wildflower seed balls, using soil leftover from winter sowing and seeds leftover from our Seed Saving/Seed Swap last fall. Hope you’ll come and support our event! ALSO, we were approved for a 100% Sustainable CT grant, which is contingent on collecting 75 donations (in any amount) through this link: Project Earth Day. We have 4 days left to go from 23 to 75 contributors! Can you help? These funds will help to pay for tables for participating groups to use, the Puppet Parade, and more!