Park on street and enter at the Wolcott Park entrance where Elmfield Street and Wolcott Road meet
2023 R.A.M. Race and Children’s Forest Clean Up Day on SatURDAY, May 13
Wolcott Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization
Please join us on May 13 from 8:00 am -10:00 am to clean up the Wolcott Forest in preparation for Run-A-Muck AND to ensure Wolcott Park Children’s Forest is healthy and looking its best! The RAM Committee will be leading the forest cleanup, and we will have community organization members helping to lead the effort to rid the Children’s Forest of invasive plant species as well – so we need your help and the help of many others!! Adults are welcome to bring their children and work together. No child drop off please. Mark the time on your calendar. We welcome any help you can give during this window of time – even if you can only dedicate a portion of the time!
We will be picking up garbage, trimming back the trails, raking leaves, pulling out invasive species and more. This is a great opportunity for our kids and families to give back to their school community.
Wear long pants and long sleeved shirts and bring some work/gardening gloves, a rake or two, garden shears/clippers, a shovel, a garden hoe, and a gas or battery powered weed wacker and whatever you have to help us clean up the designated areas for our RAM race in-forest obstacles set up day being held on May 21 (see the separate Sign Up Genius to assist on that day) AND our Children’s Forest.
We will meet in the Children’s Forest amphitheater area – park (on street) and enter at the Wolcott Park entrance where Elmfield Street and Wolcott Road meet.
Questions about the event
Contact Mary Lestini at
05/13/2023 (Sat.)
8:00AM – 10:00AM EDT