Remember how much of what we choose to plant can be beneficial for birds. Check these links: Bird Friendly Winter Gardens and Top 10 Trees and Shrubs with Berries for Birds.
Planting trees and landscaping ~ collaboration in design and execution for the beautification, restoration, or repair of damaged areas of town properties and schools, including:
*Rockledge Golf Course “yellow trail” ID plaques and Pamphlet
*Restoration in the triangle at the intersection of Fern and Mountain Roads after “Sandy”
*Beautification of town “entry“ points, especially Park Road at I 84 exit, and daffodils in multiple locations, Boulevard pots and trees
*Goodman Green and the Veterans Memorial, West Hartford Center, landscaping and benches
*Hillcrest Area Outreach Center grounds improvement
*Fairview Cemetery office hillside landscaping
*Schools: Conard High ~ multiple outside “community” area plantings and tree replacement; Hall High ~ front entry planter student art collaboration and planting; Sedgwick Middle ~ sign bed restoration
*Town Hall grounds beautification (multiple times, most recently May 2015)
*West Hartford Public Library maintained Bird Sanctuary (1940-1976); regular gardening book contributions
*West Hartford Housing Authority apartments (low income): Alfred E. Plant ~ front entry revitalization; new backyard plantings ~ Elmgrove ~ pedestrian traffic circle improvements and planter care
Rockledge Golf Course’s WINTER TRAILS

During the winter months, our nearby public golf course offers three walking trail options. These are a great opportunity to get some fresh air and exercise for free! Ranging in length from 0.6 miles (Yellow Trail) to 1.6 miles (Red) to 2.2 miles (Blue), all trails begin at the Pro Shop and are clearly marked.

What type of tree is that?
In 2016, the West Hartford Garden Club identified 31 different tree varieties on the Yellow Trail. Each has an identifying metal plate. Is it a Sugar Maple or a Red Maple? Is it native to North America? How large will it grow? To find out more about the Winter Trails at Rockledge and each tree on the Yellow Trail, click on this link for a downloadable pamphlet.