Open Meeting

Open Meeting

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November 9, 2017 @ 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm
St. John's Episcopal Church
679 Farmington Ave
West Hartford, CT 06119


Julia Harrison of Natural Elegance Design

A landscape designer and decorator, our speaker will talk about how to keep our homes festive and fresh for the holiday season with unique designs and greenery.


The Board wishes to suggest that if you would like to pay for the following events at this weeks meeting, please feel free to.
Cash or checks will be accepted for:
A) December 7th Holiday Luncheon – Invitation to be distributed at Thursday’s meeting
B) Greens Workshop $25   (Dec 15)
C) Raffle tickets sales at the meeting
C) Dues if you haven’t settled up yet
Additionally, the Garden Therapy Committee is requesting the donation of empty small plastic coffee containers (red and green).
Please bring to any meeting or drop off at any Garden Therapy members’ doorstep.