160 Mohegan Drive
West Hartford, CT
Nick Goltz
Thurs., May 18 at 7:30 pm on Zoom – us in person at the Emanuel Synagogue
(160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford) at 7 pm
FREE for members, $10 non member donation
Dr. Goltz will introduce the fundamental techniques of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for the home gardener as well as tips and tricks on how to help any plants—from hardy CT natives to delicate tropical houseplants—live their best lives.
Dr. Goltz is the director of UConn’s Plant Diagnostic Laboratory. He moved to Connecticut shortly after graduating from the University of Florida with a degree in Plant Medicine. In addition to the plant health experience gained through his degree, Dr. Goltz worked for the UF Plant Diagnostic Center since 2019, and has worked at state and federal regulatory laboratories since 2016, performing research to develop biological control options for the management of invasive snails and insects.
Click here to join us via Zoom
- Meeting ID: 895 1925 7998
- Passcode: 615562
- Or call in to join us on the phone: 646-558-8656 (the meeting ID and the passcode are the same for phone calls.)
- Copy and paste this web address if clicking the link doesn’t work for you: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89519257998?pwd=6gKDa19E6JtXpsvvgGxXQaU4TpiR0-.1
When you link to the meeting, please choose to not appear on screen. Also, please mute your phone/computer microphone. Nick’s presentation is what will be visible and heard. His talk will be followed by a question & answer session. Questions must be typed in and the moderator will present the question to Nick for all to hear. Log in anytime between 7:15 and 7:30, and you will be let in from the Zoom ‘waiting room’ when the presentation is about to start, at about 7:30 pm.