Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut present Environmental School Course 1:
“The Living Earth” on September 22 & 23, 2022, via Zoom.
Join us and learn from experts in the field of Environmental Science. In this overview of earth science, we will learn about the four major components of Earth’s life support system: air, soil, water and living things. Environmental School courses are recognized for their superb presenters. This year the course will feature the following:
Oswald Schmitz, PhD.,Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
Susan Quincy, CT DEEP Environmental Educator
Greg Bugbee, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Robert LaFrance, Audubon Connecticut
Carrie Szwed, Education Director, White Memorial Conservation Center
Margery Winters, Environmental Scientist
Paul Tanner, Hydrogeologist, Environmental Professional
Tessa Getchis, Sea Grant
During this 2-day course, these academics, environmentalists and industry leaders will guide you through a wide range of topics. There are 8 one-hour modules, plus a 2-hour virtual field trip, covering environmental science, the value of Biodiversity, Earth stewardship, Sustainability and the impact of humans on the planet.
Learn how to make personal changes to benefit the Earth and how to work effectively with organizations and institutions to create beneficial policies. Make connections! Share ideas with fellow garden club members from Connecticut and around the United States during this lively 2-day offering.
Environmental School courses are designed to teach participants environmental literacy and an appreciation of the natural world. The courses are open to garden club members and the general public. Garden club members may, upon completion of all four courses offered by Environmental Schools, join the Environmental Consultants Council. Courses may be taken in any order.
Please register online at www.ctgardenclubs.org. For additional information, please contact Millie Legenhausen or Virginia Casanova, CT Environmental School Co-Chairs, at ESChair@ctgardenclubs.org.
From the office of The Federated Garden Clubs of CT
Barbara Romblad, Office Administrator
P.O. Box 854
Branford, CT 06405
203 488-5528